This is an example of implementation of cooperative multitasking on a single thread.
I used library makecontext() and company.
Это пример реализации кооперативной многозадачности на одном потоке.
Использованы библиотечные makecontext() и компания.
В шутку названа “Golang: Истоки”.
Если добавить массив thread pool с миграцией заданий, то получим еще один шаг к golang реализации.
Note: the code w/o check of return values.
/* * Copyright 2022 Oleg Borodin <> */ #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ucontext.h> #include <assert.h> #include <time.h> typedef struct igoroutine goroutine_t; typedef void (*goroutine_f)(goroutine_t* goroutine); struct igoroutine { int ident; goroutine_f func; ucontext_t* scntx; ucontext_t* tcntx; goroutine_t* next; bool done; }; #define STACKSIZE SIGSTKSZ void goroutine_start(goroutine_t* goroutine); void goroutine_resume(goroutine_t* goroutine); void goroutine_yield(goroutine_t* goroutine); goroutine_t* new_goroutine(int ident, ucontext_t* scntx, goroutine_f func) { goroutine_t* goroutine = malloc(sizeof(goroutine_t)); goroutine->scntx = scntx; goroutine->func = func; goroutine->done = false; goroutine->next = NULL; goroutine->ident = ident; ucontext_t* tcntx = malloc(sizeof(ucontext_t)); getcontext(tcntx); tcntx->uc_stack.ss_sp = malloc(STACKSIZE); tcntx->uc_stack.ss_size = STACKSIZE; tcntx->uc_link = NULL; makecontext(tcntx, (void (*)())goroutine_start, 1, goroutine); goroutine->tcntx = tcntx; return goroutine; } void goroutine_resume(goroutine_t* goroutine) { swapcontext(goroutine->scntx, goroutine->tcntx); } void goroutine_start(goroutine_t* goroutine) { if (goroutine->done == true) { return; } goroutine->func(goroutine); printf("goroutine %d done\n", goroutine->ident); goroutine->done = true; swapcontext(goroutine->tcntx, goroutine->scntx); } void goroutine_yield(goroutine_t* goroutine) { swapcontext(goroutine->tcntx, goroutine->scntx); } void goroutine_free(goroutine_t* goroutine) { free(goroutine->tcntx); free(goroutine); } typedef struct ischeduler scheduler_t; struct ischeduler{ goroutine_t* head; int size; ucontext_t* cntx; ucontext_t* mcntx; }; void scheduler_start(scheduler_t* scheduler); scheduler_t* new_scheduler() { scheduler_t* scheduler = malloc(sizeof(scheduler_t)); scheduler->size = 0; scheduler->head = NULL; ucontext_t* cntx = malloc(sizeof(ucontext_t)); getcontext(cntx); cntx->uc_stack.ss_sp = malloc(STACKSIZE); cntx->uc_stack.ss_size = STACKSIZE; cntx->uc_link = NULL; makecontext(cntx, (void (*)())scheduler_start, 1, scheduler); scheduler->cntx = cntx; return scheduler; } goroutine_t* scheduler_getn(scheduler_t* scheduler) { int i = 0; int num = rand() % scheduler->size; goroutine_t* curr = scheduler->head; while (curr != NULL) { if (i == num) return curr; curr = curr->next; i++; }; return NULL; } void scheduler_clean(scheduler_t* scheduler) { goroutine_t* curr = scheduler->head; while (curr->next != NULL) { if (curr->next->done) { goroutine_t* done = curr->next; curr->next = curr->next->next; goroutine_free(done); scheduler->size--; continue; } curr = curr->next; }; if (scheduler->head != NULL) { if (scheduler->head->done) { goroutine_t* done = scheduler->head; scheduler->head = scheduler->head->next; goroutine_free(done); scheduler->size--; } } return; } void scheduler_run(scheduler_t* scheduler) { ucontext_t* mcntx = malloc(sizeof(ucontext_t)); getcontext(mcntx); scheduler->mcntx = mcntx; swapcontext(scheduler->mcntx, scheduler->cntx); } void scheduler_start(scheduler_t* scheduler) { printf("scheduler start\n"); srand(time(NULL)); while (scheduler->size > 0) { goroutine_t* todo = scheduler_getn(scheduler); goroutine_resume(todo); scheduler_clean(scheduler); } printf("scheduler end\n"); swapcontext(scheduler->cntx, scheduler->mcntx); return; } void scheduler_add(scheduler_t* scheduler, goroutine_t* new) { if (scheduler->head == NULL) { scheduler->head = new; scheduler->size++; return; } goroutine_t* curr = scheduler->head; while (curr->next != NULL) { curr = curr->next; }; curr->next = new; scheduler->size++; return; } void scheduler_free(scheduler_t* scheduler) { free(scheduler->cntx); free(scheduler->mcntx); free(scheduler); } void goroutine(goroutine_t* goroutine) { printf("goroutine %d #1\n", goroutine->ident); goroutine_yield(goroutine); printf("goroutine %d #2\n", goroutine->ident); goroutine_yield(goroutine); printf("goroutine %d #3\n", goroutine->ident); return; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("main start\n"); scheduler_t* scheduler = new_scheduler(); int tcount = 5; for (int i = 0; i < tcount; i++) { scheduler_add(scheduler, new_goroutine(i, scheduler->cntx, goroutine)); } scheduler_run(scheduler); scheduler_free(scheduler); printf("main end\n"); return 0; }
$ "./go-origin" main start scheduler start goroutine 1 #1 goroutine 0 #1 goroutine 3 #1 goroutine 4 #1 goroutine 3 #2 goroutine 2 #1 goroutine 2 #2 goroutine 4 #2 goroutine 0 #2 goroutine 0 #3 goroutine 0 done goroutine 4 #3 goroutine 4 done goroutine 2 #3 goroutine 2 done goroutine 3 #3 goroutine 3 done goroutine 1 #2 goroutine 1 #3 goroutine 1 done scheduler end main end