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Embeded key-value database

Пример key-value хранилища для встраиваемых систем. Например, для хранения конфигурации. Рассчитана на малый объем используемой оперативной памяти. Кроме дескриптора базы данных, все записи хранятся в устройстве периферийной памяти. Естественно, это увеличивает время доступа. Для меньшего времени доступа возможно использовать верхний слой-надстройку в оперативной памяти.

Код после компиляции занимает ~3kb.

Пока не реализована оптимизация возвращаемого пространства.


#  Copyright 2023 Oleg Borodin  <>
all: test
CC = cc
CFLAGS = -O -Wall -I. -std=c99 -pthread
LDFLAGS = -pthread
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
hwmemory.c: hwmemory.h
hwmemory.o: hwmemory.c
hwstore.c: hwstore.h
hwstore.o: hwstore.c
hwstore_test.c: hwstore.h
hwstore_test.o: hwstore_test.c
OBJS += hwstore.o
OBJS += hwmemory.o
hwstore_test: hwstore_test.o $(OBJS)
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ hwstore_test.o $(OBJS)
test: hwstore_test
	rm -f *_test
	rm -f *.o *~


 * Copyright 2023 Oleg Borodin  <>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
typedef struct {
    char*   data;
    int     size;
} hwmemory_t;
void hwmemory_init(hwmemory_t* hwmemory, int size);
int hwmemory_write(hwmemory_t* hwmemory, int pos, void* data, int size);
int hwmemory_read(hwmemory_t* hwmemory, int pos, void* data, int size);
int hwmemory_size(hwmemory_t* hwmemory);
void hwmemory_destroy(hwmemory_t* hwmemory);


 * Copyright 2023 Oleg Borodin  <>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <hwmemory.h>
int msleep(int tms) {
  return usleep(tms * 1000);
#define BYTERATE (8 + 2)
void hwmemory_init(hwmemory_t* hwmemory, int size) {
    hwmemory->data = malloc(size);
    memset(hwmemory->data, 0, size);
    hwmemory->size = size;
int hwmemory_write(hwmemory_t* hwmemory, int pos, void* data, int size) {
    if ((pos + size) > hwmemory->size) return -1;
    memcpy(&(hwmemory->data[pos]), data, size);
    usleep(BYTERATE * size);
    return size;
int hwmemory_read(hwmemory_t* hwmemory, int pos, void* data, int size) {
    if ((pos + size) > hwmemory->size) {
        size = hwmemory->size - pos;
    memcpy(&(*data), &(hwmemory->data[pos]), size);
    usleep(BYTERATE * size);
    return size;
int hwmemory_size(hwmemory_t* hwmemory) {
    return hwmemory->size;
void hwmemory_destroy(hwmemory_t* hwmemory) {


 * Copyright 2023 Oleg Borodin  <>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#define HWNULL          0
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
    int     keysize;
    int     valsize;
    int     capa;
    int     next;
} hwcell_t;
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
    union {
        hwmemory_t*   hwmemory;
        int         magic;
    int     size;
    int     head;
    int     tail;
    int     freehead;
} hwstore_t;
void hwstore_init(hwstore_t* hwstore, hwmemory_t* hwmemory);
int hwstore_set(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize);
int hwstore_get(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char** val);
int hwstore_del(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize);
void hwstore_print(hwstore_t* hwstore);


 * Copyright 2023 Oleg Borodin  <>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <hwmemory.h>
#include <hwstore.h>
#define STOREHEAD_SIZE  ((int)sizeof(hwstore_t))
#define CELLHEAD_SIZE   ((int)sizeof(hwcell_t))
static void hwcell_init(hwcell_t* hwcell, int keysize, int valsize);
static void hwstore_read_chead(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell);
static void hwstore_read_cell(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell, char** key, char** val);
static void hwstore_read_ckey(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell, char** key);
static void hwstore_read_cval(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell, char** val);
static void hwstore_write_cell(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell, char* key, char* val);
static void hwstore_write_chead(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell);
static void hwstore_write_shead(hwstore_t* hwstore);
static int hwstore_trywrite_tofree(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize);
static int hwstore_trywrite_tohead(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize);
static int hwstore_trywrite_totail(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize);
static int hwstore_alloc(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize);
static void hwstore_free(hwstore_t* hwstore, int addr);
static int hwstore_find(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, hwcell_t* currcell);
static void hwcell_init(hwcell_t* hwcell, int keysize, int valsize) {
    hwcell->keysize = keysize;
    hwcell->valsize = valsize;
    hwcell->capa = keysize + valsize;
    hwcell->next = HWNULL;
void hwstore_init(hwstore_t* hwstore, hwmemory_t* hwmemory) {
    hwstore->hwmemory = hwmemory;
    hwstore->size = hwmemory_size(hwmemory);
    hwstore->head = HWNULL;
    hwstore->tail = HWNULL;
    hwstore->freehead = HWNULL;
static void hwstore_read_chead(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell) {
    hwmemory_read(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, cell, CELLHEAD_SIZE);
static void hwstore_read_cell(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell, char** key, char** val) {
    hwmemory_read(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, cell, CELLHEAD_SIZE);
    pos += CELLHEAD_SIZE;
    *key = malloc(cell->keysize);
    *val = malloc(cell->valsize);
    hwmemory_read(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, *key, cell->keysize);
    pos += cell->keysize;
    hwmemory_read(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, *val, cell->valsize);
static void hwstore_read_ckey(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell, char** key) {
    //hwmemory_read(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, cell, CELLHEAD_SIZE);
    pos += CELLHEAD_SIZE;
    *key = malloc(cell->keysize);
    hwmemory_read(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, *key, cell->keysize);
static void hwstore_read_cval(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell, char** val) {
    //hwmemory_read(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, cell, CELLHEAD_SIZE);
    pos += CELLHEAD_SIZE;
    pos += cell->keysize;
    *val = malloc(cell->valsize);
    hwmemory_read(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, *val, cell->valsize);
static void hwstore_write_cell(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell, char* key, char* val) {
    hwmemory_write(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, cell, CELLHEAD_SIZE);
    pos += CELLHEAD_SIZE;
    hwmemory_write(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, key, cell->keysize);
    pos += cell->keysize;
    hwmemory_write(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, val, cell->valsize);
static void hwstore_write_chead(hwstore_t* hwstore, int pos, hwcell_t *cell) {
    hwmemory_write(hwstore->hwmemory, pos, cell, CELLHEAD_SIZE);
static void hwstore_write_shead(hwstore_t* hwstore) {
    hwstore_t chwstore = *hwstore;
    chwstore.magic = STORE_MAGIC;
    hwmemory_write(hwstore->hwmemory, 0, &chwstore, STOREHEAD_SIZE);
static int hwstore_trywrite_tofree(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize) {
    /* Check free chain */
    if (hwstore->freehead == HWNULL) return -1;
    int datasize = keysize + valsize;
    hwcell_t freecell;
    int freepos = hwstore->freehead;
    hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, freepos, &freecell);
    if (freecell.capa >= datasize) {
        /* Delete cell from free chain */
        hwstore->freehead =;
        /* Insert cell to chain */ = hwstore->head;
        hwstore->head = freepos;
        hwstore_write_cell(hwstore, freepos, &freecell, key, val);
        return freepos;
    while ( != HWNULL) {
        /* Read next cell */
        hwcell_t nextcell;
        int nextpos =;
        hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, nextpos, &nextcell);
        if (nextcell.capa >= datasize) {
            /* Delete free cell from chain */
            hwstore_write_chead(hwstore, freepos, &freecell);
            /* Insert next cell to used chain */
   = hwstore->head;
            hwstore_write_cell(hwstore, nextpos, &nextcell, key, val);
            hwstore->head = nextpos;
            return freepos;
        hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, freepos, &freecell);
        freepos =;
    return -1;
static int hwstore_trywrite_tohead(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize) {
    /* Check null store head */
    if (hwstore->head == HWNULL) {
        hwcell_t headcell;
        hwcell_init(&headcell, keysize, valsize);
        /* Write new cell */
        int headpos = 0 + STOREHEAD_SIZE;
        hwstore_write_cell(hwstore, headpos, &headcell, key, val);
        /* Update store descriptor */
        hwstore->head = headpos;
        hwstore->tail = headpos;
        hwstore->freehead = HWNULL;
        return headpos;
    return -1;
static int hwstore_trywrite_totail(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize) {
    /* Check tail space */
    int datasize = keysize + valsize;
    /* Read tail call from device */
    hwcell_t tailcell;
    int tailpos = hwstore->tail;
    hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, tailpos, &tailcell);
    /* Calculate exists and future bound of cells */
    int tailend = hwstore->tail + CELLHEAD_SIZE + tailcell.capa;
    int nextend = tailend + CELLHEAD_SIZE + datasize;
    /* Compare future bound and size of device */
    if (nextend < hwstore->size) {
        hwcell_t nextcell;
        hwcell_init(&nextcell, keysize, valsize);
        /* Write new tail cell */
        int nextpos = tailend + 1;
        hwstore_write_cell(hwstore, nextpos, &nextcell, key, val);
        /* Update old tail cell */ = nextpos;
        hwstore_write_chead(hwstore, tailpos, &tailcell);
        /* Update store descriptor */
        hwstore->tail = nextpos;
        return nextpos;
    return -1;
static int hwstore_alloc(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize) {
    int addr = -1;
    if ((addr = hwstore_trywrite_tohead(hwstore, key, keysize, val, valsize)) > 0) {
        return addr;
    if ((addr = hwstore_trywrite_tofree(hwstore, key, keysize, val, valsize)) > 0) {
        return addr;
    if ((addr = hwstore_trywrite_totail(hwstore, key, keysize, val, valsize)) > 0) {
        return addr;
    return addr;
static void hwstore_free(hwstore_t* hwstore, int addr) {
    if (hwstore->head == HWNULL) return;
    /* Check head for address */
    int headpos = hwstore->head;
    if (headpos == addr) {
        hwcell_t headcell;
        hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, headpos, &headcell);
        /* Delete cell from used head */
        hwstore->head =;
        /* Insert cell to free head */ = hwstore->freehead;
        hwstore->freehead = headpos;
        hwstore_write_chead(hwstore, headpos, &headcell);
    /* Check cell chain after head cell */
    int currpos = hwstore->head;
    hwcell_t currcell;
    hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, currpos, &currcell);
    while ( != HWNULL) {
        if ( == addr) {
            printf("del addr = %d\n",;
            /* Read next cell */
            hwcell_t nextcell;
            int nextpos =;
            hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, nextpos, &nextcell);
            /* Delete next used cell from chain */
            hwstore_write_chead(hwstore, currpos, &currcell);
            /* Insert next cell to free head */
   = hwstore->freehead;
            hwstore->freehead = nextpos;
            hwstore_write_chead(hwstore, nextpos, &nextcell);
        currpos =;
        hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, currpos, &currcell);
void hwstore_print(hwstore_t* hwstore) {
    int currpos = hwstore->head;
    while (currpos != HWNULL) {
        hwcell_t currcell;
        char* key = NULL;
        char* val = NULL;
        hwstore_read_cell(hwstore, currpos, &currcell, &key, &val);
        printf("## used cell addr = %3d, key = %s, val=%s\n", currpos, key, val);
        currpos =;
    currpos = hwstore->freehead;
    while (currpos != HWNULL) {
        hwcell_t currcell;
        hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, currpos, &currcell);
        printf("#  free cell addr = %3d\n", currpos);
        currpos =;
int hwstore_get(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char** val) {
    int currpos = hwstore->head;
    while (currpos != HWNULL) {
        hwcell_t currcell;
        hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, currpos, &currcell);
        if (currcell.keysize == keysize) {
            char* hwkey = NULL;
            hwstore_read_ckey(hwstore, currpos, &currcell, &hwkey);
            if (memcmp(key, hwkey, keysize) == 0) {
                hwstore_read_cval(hwstore, currpos, &currcell, val);
                return currpos;
        currpos =;
    return -1;
static int hwstore_find(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, hwcell_t* currcell) {
    int currpos = hwstore->head;
    while (currpos != HWNULL) {
        hwstore_read_chead(hwstore, currpos, currcell);
        if (currcell->keysize == keysize) {
            char* hwkey = NULL;
            hwstore_read_ckey(hwstore, currpos, currcell, &hwkey);
            if (memcmp(key, hwkey, keysize) == 0) {
                return currpos;
        currpos = currcell->next;
    return -1;
int hwstore_del(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize) {
    int addr = -1;
    hwcell_t currcell;
    if ((addr = hwstore_find(hwstore, key, keysize, &currcell)) > 0) {
        hwstore_free(hwstore, addr);
    return addr;
int hwstore_set(hwstore_t* hwstore, char* key, int keysize, char* val, int valsize) {
    int addr = -1;
    hwcell_t currcell;
    if ((addr = hwstore_find(hwstore, key, keysize, &currcell)) > 0) {
        int datasize = keysize + valsize;
        if (datasize > currcell.capa) {
            hwstore_free(hwstore, addr);
            int newaddr = hwstore_alloc(hwstore, key, keysize, val, valsize);
            return newaddr;
        currcell.keysize = keysize;
        currcell.valsize = valsize;
        hwstore_write_cell(hwstore, addr, &currcell, key, val);
        return addr;
    addr = hwstore_alloc(hwstore, key, keysize, val, valsize);
    return addr;


 * Copyright 2023 Oleg Borodin  <>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <hwmemory.h>
#include <hwstore.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    hwmemory_t hwmemory;
    hwmemory_init(&hwmemory, 1024 * 16);
    hwstore_t hwstore;
    hwstore_init(&hwstore, &hwmemory);
    int count = 12;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        char* key = NULL;
        char* val = NULL;
        asprintf(&key, "key%04d", i);
        asprintf(&val, "val%04d", i);
        int keysize = strlen(key) + 1;
        int valsize = strlen(val) + 1;
        int address = hwstore_set(&hwstore, key, keysize, val, valsize);
        printf("i = %3d, addr = %3d\n", i, address);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        char* key = NULL;
        char* val = NULL;
        asprintf(&key, "key%04d", i);
        asprintf(&val, "VAR%04d", i);
        int keysize = strlen(key) + 1;
        int valsize = strlen(val) + 1;
        int address = hwstore_set(&hwstore, key, keysize, val, valsize);
        printf("i = %3d, addr = %3d\n", i, address);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        char* key = NULL;
        char* val = NULL;
        asprintf(&key, "key%04d", i);
        asprintf(&val, "val%04d", i);
        int keysize = strlen(key) + 1;
        char* rval = NULL;
        int addr = HWNULL;
        if ((addr = hwstore_get(&hwstore, key, keysize, &rval)) > 0) {
            printf("i = %3d, get addr = %3d, key = %s, val = %s\n", i, addr, key, rval);
    return 0;
$ "./hwstore"
i =   0, addr =  24
i =   1, addr =  57
i =   2, addr =  90
i =   3, addr = 123
i =   4, addr = 156
i =   5, addr = 189
i =   6, addr = 222
i =   7, addr = 255
i =   8, addr = 288
i =   9, addr = 321
i =  10, addr = 354
i =  11, addr = 387

i =   0, addr =  24
i =   1, addr =  57
i =   2, addr =  90
i =   3, addr = 123
i =   4, addr = 156
i =   5, addr = 189
i =   6, addr = 222
i =   7, addr = 255
i =   8, addr = 288
i =   9, addr = 321
i =  10, addr = 354
i =  11, addr = 387

i =   0, get addr =  24, key = key0000, val = VAR0000
i =   1, get addr =  57, key = key0001, val = VAR0001
i =   2, get addr =  90, key = key0002, val = VAR0002
i =   3, get addr = 123, key = key0003, val = VAR0003
i =   4, get addr = 156, key = key0004, val = VAR0004
i =   5, get addr = 189, key = key0005, val = VAR0005
i =   6, get addr = 222, key = key0006, val = VAR0006
i =   7, get addr = 255, key = key0007, val = VAR0007
i =   8, get addr = 288, key = key0008, val = VAR0008
i =   9, get addr = 321, key = key0009, val = VAR0009
i =  10, get addr = 354, key = key0010, val = VAR0010
i =  11, get addr = 387, key = key0011, val = VAR0011

## used cell addr =  24, key = key0000, val=VAR0000
## used cell addr =  57, key = key0001, val=VAR0001
## used cell addr =  90, key = key0002, val=VAR0002
## used cell addr = 123, key = key0003, val=VAR0003
## used cell addr = 156, key = key0004, val=VAR0004
## used cell addr = 189, key = key0005, val=VAR0005
## used cell addr = 222, key = key0006, val=VAR0006
## used cell addr = 255, key = key0007, val=VAR0007
## used cell addr = 288, key = key0008, val=VAR0008
## used cell addr = 321, key = key0009, val=VAR0009
## used cell addr = 354, key = key0010, val=VAR0010
## used cell addr = 387, key = key0011, val=VAR0011