Another decision is waitgroup.
Note: the code w/o check of return values.
/* * Copyright 2022 Oleg Borodin <> */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <pthread.h> typedef struct { sem_t sem; int ident; int state; } hello_t; hello_t* new_hello(int ident) { hello_t* hello = malloc(sizeof(hello_t)); hello->ident = ident; hello->state = 0; sem_init(&(hello->sem), 1, 0); return hello; } void* hello_start(void* args) { hello_t* hello = (hello_t*)args; sleep(1); printf("hello %d started\n", hello->ident); hello->state = 2; sem_post(&(hello->sem)); pthread_exit(hello); } void hello_run(hello_t* hello) { pthread_t thread; pthread_attr_t thattr; pthread_attr_init(&thattr); pthread_create(&thread, &thattr, hello_start, hello); pthread_attr_destroy(&thattr); pthread_detach(thread); //void* thres = NULL; //pthread_join(thread, (void**)&thres); //hello = (hello_t*)thres; //printf("hello %d done %d\n", hello->ident, hello->state); return; } void hello_wait(hello_t* hello) { sem_wait(&(hello->sem)); } void hello_free(hello_t* hello) { free(hello); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("main started\n"); hello_t* hello1 = new_hello(1); hello_run(hello1); hello_t* hello2 = new_hello(2); hello_run(hello2); hello_wait(hello1); hello_wait(hello2); printf("hello %d done %d\n", hello1->ident, hello1->state); printf("hello %d done %d\n", hello2->ident, hello2->state); hello_free(hello1); hello_free(hello2); return 0; }
main start hello 1 started hello 2 started hello 1 done 2 hello 2 done 2